Friday, April 30, 2010

Why blog?

I have been historically leary of blogging for on main reason. Believe me, it's not because I am so pious. It really is because I have a high enough opinion of myself in an insecure kind of way--if that makes sense. And I question "Just who do I think I am anyway?" Why do we put our thoughts and ramblings and private stuff out there in such a public way? Is it our way of venting, purging, and exploring? Or is it our way of displaying our self-importance? I have had to ask myself these questions and I think they are good questions for any of us that are cult followers of ANY blog, or who feel the need to blog ourselves. So have I found an answer? For myself, I think the reason I would blog is found in both possibilities that I have proposed. I love to express myself in writing, but rarely take the time. I have found it a helpful way to collect my thoughts, and vent as well. But to put it out there like this is a possible pitfall of self importance for me too. Long and short, I'm gonna give this a whirl and see where it goes.