Saturday, March 3, 2012

Messed up Messy People

I admit, I love messed up people.  And I love to get in the middle of their messes hoping to bring the light of Christ to shine on the mess, expose it for what it is, and help them to move forward OUT of the mess!  Great fun!  But lately I have been dealing with messed up people (nothing new for this gal) who don't see how messed up they are.  They look in the mirror and see one put together chick.  Wow!  I have one person in my life right now who is this way, and very defensive to boot. She bugs the crap out of me!! So I have been asking myself why does this one out of all of the messed up messes I deal with bug me so bad??  I am beginning to realize it isn't how messed up she is that bothers me.  What bothers me is that she doesn't see it!  Unfortunately what I am getting at is that she thinks she is put together, got a handle on her life etc.  What would be cool is if she looked in the mirror and saw what Christ sees and saw the potential Christ has for her and that was INSPIRING her to be put together.  But this isn't it at all! Her warped self perception is getting in the way--causing monstrous denial.  She cannot reckon with the mess she has made--she cannot take a hard look at her warts and blemishes.  Why?  I think it terrifies her.  I think she thinks if she does she will reel in horror and not be able to recover. And you know, I have been there in spots/seasons in my life too.  It is a lot of work to try to maneuver around a big mess and tell yourself it is "all good."  So maybe that is why it bugs me?  Maybe it hits close to home.  Maybe I am like her in a lot of ways?  I don't know.  Right now, I am just bugged beyond measure--highly irritated.  I almost shudder when I have to interact with her.  It is bad!  I don't like to feel this way.  I even have caught myself praying that I don't have to deal with this individual any longer.  AND there is that possibility that I am not supposed to!  I do know I have to look within and I have to go to God with this one, because this is soooo common.  I guess I would just like to deal with the ones who are really messed up messes who SEE it and want to DEAL with it.  That is so amazingly fun to be a part of the transformation!