Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This life we live is such a dichotomy sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if we aren't all bipolar, but some of us just need meds. Fortunately I am not needing meds, but boy some days, I would love a diagnosis to disappear into.
Today is such a bittersweet day. We graduated a gal from the Selah program as of yesterday, and let me tell you, she is a testimony to how God can defy the odds in a person's life! Who the world thought was a lost cause, God proves once again that is NEVER true!
And then there is her sister who also came to live here. This one is seeming to make it her mission to prove just how dysfunctional she can be and become the living embodiment of what her (growing up) home environment has programmed her to be. She has gained success in this respect. And so, today, we have the "privilege" of discharging her as well.
Two sisters, within one day, discharged from the program. Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to roll with this craziness of emotions?
We know both decisions are right. My temptation is to hold on 'till the death. But I know I have to let go. They both go with God. We have done our part. Glory to God that there is no such thing as a lost cause or a lost life. Please pray for these sisters as they find their way. It appears that the one has a long, hard road ahead of her.

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