Friday, June 18, 2010


Yeah, I know, you are probably wondering if I am going back to school for a degree in engineering? Well, not technically. Some time ago, I had a wild dream about a molten tank of some metal compound. Somehow, I was in charge of it. There was some emergency and I was called to action.....very strange! I asked the Lord what the meaning of the dream was and He told me that I was a metallurgist. I tried to study it a bit and really did not get very far. Besides that, it is a very technical science and therefore very confusing to the lay person! Jeremy reminded me of that word God gave me and I was inspired to try again. I went to Wikipedia (love that site) and typed in metallurgy. I tell you God was showing me stuff through that study. At one point I even started to cry....and at another I said aloud...I don't want to be one of these people, because I was seeing the spiritual implications. Now I feel that I am on a quest to understand this assignment. Wow, God is so strange sometimes. Who would have thought that He would give an English major a metallurgy job?

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