Monday, October 4, 2010

Fits like and old pair of jeans

So I mentioned in a former blog that I have a friend who has been in my life since 5th grade. We have been very close, and over recent years we have kind of drifted. Our lives have parallelled each other's for so many years, but it seems our passions/interests have just changed over recent years and we have not been all too interested in or motivated to get together. The funny thing is that I love her a ton, and I miss her...but sometimes it is not until we DO get together that I realize that. Well after many failed attempts to get our families together--which has been close to impossible, I finally decided we needed to simplify and just the two of us hook up. Well it finally happened! We met for coffee tonight and it was mildly awkward at first, but before long it was comfortable and just plain old good. It was like slipping into that really broken in pair of jeans. She might not appreciate being compared to ratty denim, but in this case it is a compliment! I am thankful. AND I am glad to be conquering (little by little) my relationally challenged ways!

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