Thursday, November 4, 2010

I just realize it sometimes

Do you ever get so lost in the mundanity of life and your routines that you forget some things? I do! Forget might be a strong word, but wow, just's cold outside, and I am cuddly warm right now. Some people are desperately lonely; I have more people in my life than I sometimes can manage! My belly is full; my car gets me from point A to B; my kids are healthy; my bills are paid (except for the one I have procrastinated and keep forgetting to pay!); I have a church family; I have good friends; I have a great husband; I can laugh; I can worship freely; I can vote....the list is endless. Sometimes I just am flooded with realization that God has blessed me in amazing ways. And yet tomorrow, He might afflict me or crush some bones or something, but I pray that I might still praise Him.

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