Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Imposter

Sarah and I are reading "Abba's Child" by Brennan Manning. The man is amazing, and yet he messes with me and my comfortable little bubble. And so he highly frustrates me! One of the chapters is titled "The Imposter" and it deals with the false self that we all have. It is the person we present to others, the one we are internally pleased with because it keeps us-or our true, flawed selves in hiding. Well, one of the ways that I know God has shown me that I can expose my imposter is to not give it a voice. Also I believe He showed me that a way to get our imposters to take a back seat is by fasting. And so should it be any surprise to me that God called me to do something that involves BOTH of these solutions! He has asked me to fast from Facebook for a MONTH! Yikes! I started it on the 12th and I am going through withdrawals now! I mean is there really anything else to do on the Internet? Some ideas would be welcome. :) But in reality, I know that I can become better acquainted with my true self if I get off of Facebook and spend more time becoming intimate with my Abba.

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