Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Life and Pain. They both go on...

You know, this grieving process really sucks.  I will say it again.  I wish grieving were an event and not a process.  Just when you think "normal life" just might have returned, a trigger just lays you out.  Tonight, I was in my "Sent Mail" folder and realized one of my kids had just sent an email to grandpa :(  It simply read, "I miss you grandpa :(.  INSTANT flood of tears.  I was hit by a wave of sadness and anger.  WHY WHY WHY has my family had to endure so much loss this last two years?  Why can't my girls have any of their grandpas at their weddings?  Why did Jeremy have to lose his dad and me mine all within two years?!  I know their are logical answers to these questions, but logic rarely speaks to the hurting heart.  I just am missing my dad...and apparently so are my kids.  UGH :(

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