Thursday, June 6, 2013


I live in a glass house.  My life is up for scrutiny and  by the women that live in my home on a daily basis.  Let me tell you, it can be exhausting.  Knowing that your every move as a wife, mom, care provider, woman is watched and assessed daily.  UGH.  Most days I can just ducks-back it, but the last few days there has been an air or rather a cloud of negativity hovering in the atmosphere of my home--mostly sourcing from these lovely trainwrecks I call friends.  Please don't get me wrong, I love these ladies.  They are great, but there are just times when I am so painfully aware of their criticism and it sucks.  No, it hurts.  There lives are wrecked--and it is a beautiful place of regrowth.  But when the cards are not in their favor sometimes they look to criticize others to make themselves feel a little bit better.  I get it.  I do it too.  But to be the recipient of it is NO FUN.  Let that be a reminder to myself.  And once again, I am sorry for the rant.  I do hope that someday I can use this blog for another purpose :)

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