Wednesday, July 28, 2010
You Have Not Because You Ask Not
Today I had an amazing talk with my oldest daughter about a very serious dilemma she is having with a good friend. She doesn't come to me a lot with stuff like this because I think I can tend to be so serious and a bit over-bearing. So the fact that she spilled was in and of itself amazing, but even cooler is that the other day, I was talking with God and asking for Him to bring her to a point of an encounter with Him, and that she would step up and begin to be the leader that He has created her to be. This was a direct answer to that my "mommy prayer", and I am so blessed and proud--she made some very good choices and hard choices, and she is at a point of decision in this particular friendship where she knows she will either "lead, follow, or get out of the way." I don't know what direction she will go, but for today, I am so proud of her! :)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
GEICO Commercial - Honest Abe
My friend and I have been challenging eachother to become persons of integrity in our speech, which we have come to realize means taking some really big risks in relationships just by being completely honest with others. It is hard! How many times do we try to candycoat things to make them more palatable for others, when in essence we are not telling the truth! It needs to stop in my life for sure! But there is a risk for sure! You might really offend someone just for being honest, or for NOT holding back something that should be said! Here's a Geico commercial that fits the situation perfectly!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Attitude of Gratitude
Today I was struck by just how grateful I am for my husband. Now before I sound so typical blogger wife and mom, let me just say I am not going to go on and on about just how wonderful my family is and how perfect our little white picket fence life is together! Any of you who know me at all will know that stuff makes me want to vomit! I was actually convicted that for some reason it takes a milestone moment for us to REALLY be aware of how grateful we are for the people in our lives or even our earthly possessions. It sometimes takes a cancer, a death, a birth, a natural disaster, a wedding, an accident, an anniversary etc. for us to ponder or much less express our gratitude for the people and other blessings in our life. Why is that? Is it because we are in such a constant state of "want" or "desire" for better (in ourselves, others and material ways), or more that we need a monument for us to realize just how blessed we are? I could go on and on about the million reasons I have to be full of gratitude today. For now, I am just happy I came to this without need of a monument. I need to pray that I have this attitude of gratitude daily, even if in a state of want or lack. Remind me if I get off track!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
What Will it Take?
I was reacquainted with a problematic person yesterday and the new but not new problems that he has created in my life and the lives of sooo many others. It seems that it just goes on and on and on and on with no end in sight. I seriously don't get how a person can cause so much destruction in the lives of others and get away with it? It saddens me. It angers me. It frustrates me. And yet, I am glad it is not me. I would rather not be responsible for pain in people's lives and be allowed to get away with it, and in God's name nonetheless! God PLEASE keep me accountable!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Caffeine Update
Just thought an update on my caffeine journey was in order. I posted a few months ago that my doctor wanted me to give up caffeine, and I got mad and scared among other things, because, well, I love caffeine and coffee especially. I thought it was going to be a terrible experience and so on and so forth. Well, God is good! I am limiting myself to one cup of coffee in the morning and for the most part that is it for caffeine for the day. I did not go completely off of the stuff, although I do think if I had some serious reason to, I could. My minor heath issue has pretty much been corrected and I generally do not get headaches anymore. I really was fretting over this one, and had come to the conclusion that it was really and idolatry issue and rebellion. Caffeine had become too important, and by golly, no one was going to tell me to give up ANYTHING! Ouch! In spite of my worst fears, the experience has been really quite easy. There are things to drink that do not have caffiene! :)
I have learned something about myself through all of this. And I have learned about fear too. Satan would like us to believe that the things we fear are OH SO BAD AND OH SO TERRIBLE, that it (whatever "it" is) becomes incredibly magnified for us. We become paralyzed. I feared giving this stuff up, and God met me there. Not only can I be obedient, I can benefit from the experience in ways I would have never guessed. WOW!
I have learned something about myself through all of this. And I have learned about fear too. Satan would like us to believe that the things we fear are OH SO BAD AND OH SO TERRIBLE, that it (whatever "it" is) becomes incredibly magnified for us. We become paralyzed. I feared giving this stuff up, and God met me there. Not only can I be obedient, I can benefit from the experience in ways I would have never guessed. WOW!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I saw several spots in time today when one or more of my girls was looking to me for safety...wanting to make sure when I would be home if they were alone for awhile(12 year old), hopping into my bed since daddy is gone tonight and there is a thunderstorm brewing (10 year old), wanting me to pick the raspberries because there were too many "pokies" (5 year old). It struck me as so odd that here I have these little (or not so little) ones looking to me to protect and keep them safe when I have my own batches of fears and insecurities, and yet they don't see those. I am simply put-their protector! Not that this is a new concept for me, but it was seemingly exaggerated today, and oh so sweet. I have such a short time to protect these ones in a tangible way. Soon it will be only my prayers that can keep them safe and of course the arms of Jesus. For now, I intend to relish in these moments.
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