Monday, July 12, 2010

Caffeine Update

Just thought an update on my caffeine journey was in order. I posted a few months ago that my doctor wanted me to give up caffeine, and I got mad and scared among other things, because, well, I love caffeine and coffee especially. I thought it was going to be a terrible experience and so on and so forth. Well, God is good! I am limiting myself to one cup of coffee in the morning and for the most part that is it for caffeine for the day. I did not go completely off of the stuff, although I do think if I had some serious reason to, I could. My minor heath issue has pretty much been corrected and I generally do not get headaches anymore. I really was fretting over this one, and had come to the conclusion that it was really and idolatry issue and rebellion. Caffeine had become too important, and by golly, no one was going to tell me to give up ANYTHING! Ouch! In spite of my worst fears, the experience has been really quite easy. There are things to drink that do not have caffiene! :)
I have learned something about myself through all of this. And I have learned about fear too. Satan would like us to believe that the things we fear are OH SO BAD AND OH SO TERRIBLE, that it (whatever "it" is) becomes incredibly magnified for us. We become paralyzed. I feared giving this stuff up, and God met me there. Not only can I be obedient, I can benefit from the experience in ways I would have never guessed. WOW!

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