Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You Have Not Because You Ask Not

Today I had an amazing talk with my oldest daughter about a very serious dilemma she is having with a good friend. She doesn't come to me a lot with stuff like this because I think I can tend to be so serious and a bit over-bearing. So the fact that she spilled was in and of itself amazing, but even cooler is that the other day, I was talking with God and asking for Him to bring her to a point of an encounter with Him, and that she would step up and begin to be the leader that He has created her to be. This was a direct answer to that my "mommy prayer", and I am so blessed and proud--she made some very good choices and hard choices, and she is at a point of decision in this particular friendship where she knows she will either "lead, follow, or get out of the way." I don't know what direction she will go, but for today, I am so proud of her! :)

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