Saturday, July 10, 2010


I saw several spots in time today when one or more of my girls was looking to me for safety...wanting to make sure when I would be home if they were alone for awhile(12 year old), hopping into my bed since daddy is gone tonight and there is a thunderstorm brewing (10 year old), wanting me to pick the raspberries because there were too many "pokies" (5 year old). It struck me as so odd that here I have these little (or not so little) ones looking to me to protect and keep them safe when I have my own batches of fears and insecurities, and yet they don't see those. I am simply put-their protector! Not that this is a new concept for me, but it was seemingly exaggerated today, and oh so sweet. I have such a short time to protect these ones in a tangible way. Soon it will be only my prayers that can keep them safe and of course the arms of Jesus. For now, I intend to relish in these moments.

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