Friday, February 25, 2011

The wounded...wound (and they miss out)

It really disturbs me when people cannot step outside of themselves for just a second and open their eyes and see things for how they really are instead of through some grid of thier own making! Now I know that it is said that people who are wounded, wound others. But my word! Wake up!! People have worth and beauty regardless if they rub us the wrong way. They need attention and ministry despite the fact that they have strange personalities or are not socially put together! Children need to be seen and heard...etc. etc. If we would just break out of our narrow little thinking and preferences for just a moment, we might find a beautiful connection with another human soul. But instead we prefer to stay safe (and stuck, might I add), in our own tiny little world....and we miss out on only God knows what?! Not to mention, we wound and scar. So sad.
This song expresses it well.

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