Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Relationally Challenged?

I have been thinking about some of the relationships I have and have had. I have one who I would say as a pre-teen and teen was definitely a best friend. Over the years, we have grown up, were in eachother's weddings, had kids etc. I love her dearly, and so much of our lives have parallelled which is cool, but in the past few years we have drifted. It doesn't seem a "bad" drifting by any means, it just seems that our lives don't really intersect anymore. She only lives about 35 minutes from me and it seems so tough for us to get together! It is bad and I carry a lot of guilt over it. I know I shouldn't but I do. I do love her and yet I also wonder if I am relationally challenged? There is also a part of me that really doesn't matter. Now I don't mean that SHE doesn't matter or even that WE as friends don't matter. It's more that the fact that we have gone off a distance in our friendship is ok? But is it? I really need to look at this. I don't want to be callous in my relationships. Perhaps it is just time for us to have coffee together and iron this out. Maybe she is ok with the way things are and I am just beating myself up? Gotta find out.

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