Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why Such a Battle for R & R?

It seems to never fail, that when our family makes a point of getting away, there is ALWAYS a fight for us to even be able to leave. And once we are gone, it is almost without fail, that there is a major issue back home that requires our attention from a distance. OR once we are gone, there is stress of unusual sorts, like expensive car breakdowns or tornados. Why is this? We are responsible people, we do our best to minister to others, and just a simple getaway is sometimes more stress than it is worth. I mean like crazy stuff, like you go to the ATM to get some cash before you go away and find out there is a $4000 overdraft! Simple error on our financial investor's part, but still! We have come to the conclusion that it is probably not us creating this issue. Is it the enemy? We push through and make it happen no matter what, but it sometimes feels easier to concede. Help me figure this out!

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