Monday, May 3, 2010

Better than a Hallelujah

So I have been dealing with some pretty broken people lately, and for the most part that is fine. The problem with that for me is I can so easily forget that I also need permission to be broken sometimes. My kids need me to be strong, the hubby can't function quite right if I'm vulnerable, and the chicks of Selah need me to be level headed too. So if I have to have a meltdown, I guess it is either not allowed, or I have to scream into a rather large pillow. Not sure if either works.... Anyway, the hubby encouraged me to really listen to the lyrics to this song which I had avoided because all I could think of was El Shaddi! After I got over the initial criticism of the artist, I heard a woman who spoke with experience and depth. She must have been there a few times. The lyrics are amazing! Have a listen and enjoy or have your own meltdown if needed...whatever God inspires!

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