My friend and I have been meeting weekly with no real agenda other than hearing eachother's hearts and encouraging each other to grow, move forward in Christ and to pray for eachother. Our time has been very rich and unencumbered by the demands of a "small group." One of our challenges for eachother has been to really take a look at how we talk and respond to people. How often do we not say what we should, or say some benign thing like' "I'm good!" when that is so NOT TRUE, or we play Minnesota nice, or manipulate our words, or just flat out lie for the sake of ______________, you fill in the blank. So, inspired by the movie Liar Liar by Jim Carey, we have taken the challenge to at least one time this week be gut level honest with someone that we maybe normally would not be. That might mean confronting some long buried issue, or if they ask something like "How does my makeup look?" They might get a surprising answer. The point is not to be mean and spiteful, but to work on our integrity of speech and action. Give it a try. You will be surprised at how much we do manipulate our words and actions to give appearances, which in plain speech is lying. This clip is from Liar Liar. The movie has some inappropriate spots to get the point across, but overall it has a great message. So duck the cuss words and enjoy!
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