Sunday, May 9, 2010
If I were Eve
We were talking in our "Growth Groups" at church (basically adult Sunday school group) about choices. Of course the discussion of Adam and Eve in the garden was top on the list. Why, when everything was perfect, and there was only ONE choice for evil that could be made, did Eve and/or Adam even feel any sort of lack that they would desire to make that ONE wrong choice? Further, they were TIGHT with God! I mean they were in daily, intimate fellowship with their Father, their maker, their friend. They lacked nothing; they had to work for nothing, and yet why did they feel the need to choose that one bad thing, when every other choice they could make was good!? It is frustrating to the point that some of us have become Eve bashers. Us women, of course, sit back and think (because we would never voice this of course), "Well, if I were Eve, I would have........(you fill in the blank with whatever self righteous nonsense you would like)." Some men among us, use the story to point to their gender superiority and to the seductress's poor choices due to her intellectual and spiritual weakness. I have fallen prey to these theories and have certainly wanted to believe that I would have done things very differently if I were Eve. And another question, why would Eve have given in so quickly and thoroughly to the serpents suggestion? Frankly, I don't think it was as we have been led to believe it all of this time. Genesis 3:6 says "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it." Apply some imagination to this text for a minute. Eve had everything she needed. She did not lack for food or beauty, but yet look at those justifications. She had the wisdom of GOD available to her at any time, but yet she figured she needed more. Ask yourself why in the context of your own life. I think the imagination we need to apply to this text is to put ourselves in the story. If you or I are in intimate fellowship with the Lord, knowing we lack for nothing, will we be quick to listen and buy the lies of the enemy? No way! I don't think this was a one time conversation she had with the serpent. Now before you call me a heretic, really think about this. If she was tight with God, it would be very hard to convince her of a lie. She would have called it out, like we do, renounce the lie and moved on. I personally think there was a slow erosion, the enemy whispering in her ear for a long span of time, and after awhile, she bought the lie and changed the course of history because of it. WE DO THE SAME THING!!! Do you usually buy a lie of the enemy like right now, real time, if you are in fellowship with the Lord? No, it usually takes the slow erosion. Remember, "the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord had made." With a one time conversation, do we really buy that he won Eve over?! I like to not give him that much credit, and nor do I think he is that lucky! Bottom line, we probably would have done the same thing as Eve.
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