Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crap or get off the pot!

So, as I have been contemplating what to blog lately, I have found myself hesitating to write things that someone might read and be offended. That is one downfall I think to this whole blogging thing, is that it is your personal stuff that you are putting out there for others' scrutiny. But then again, maybe it's a good thing, because if we are going to be real (in this genre), and in others, then we need to put the people pleasing aside, and take the leap. I am far too worried about what people think, and am always trying to maneuver to make sure no one is offended. It has to stop! So here goes--this is what is on my mind. I am working with a few ladies that both are great at verbalizing that they know what they need to do BUT DON'T DO IT! AARGH! If you REALLY want change....then crap or get off the pot!

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