Saturday, May 22, 2010

No headaches?

So as you all know, I have been doing this whole caffeine wean down thing. What I thought would be my worst nightmare...OK, that is a wee bit strong, has really not been bad! Weird thing I noticed today. I used to consume pretty fair amounts of caffeine, and would suffer with headaches at least 3x per week. I never made a connection until now that I have not had headaches since I have weaned down. Generally I have ONE cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning and the rest of the day is caffeine free stuff and I have been headache free! I'm not sure of this, but if I had a bonified dependency (aka, addiction) going on , then it makes sense that my body is not screaming for the stuff! Wow, kicking the idols has some pretty sweet benefits! And I have not died!

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