"My life is going to Hell!" she shouted at anyone who was listening. These were the words of my now missing (again) household member. This was on the tail-end of a pretty intense meeting where this person learned that their rights are going to be further restricted. Wow, the truth in those words! "Yes your life is going to Hell if you keep going down this path you are on!" is what I would have liked to yell in return (if I weren't wanting to avoid a bigger scene in this public setting). I have so much love an compassion for this one, and yet she frustrates the heck out of me! So much potential unrealized, so many lies believed, and so defensive of her poor choices!
But wow, as I ponder her response, I really wonder if I am much different. When my "rights" get restricted I whine and pi** and moan too. I shift blame to those who are making my life miserable. I pout and I get angry and I run too. My running is not literal, but just as significantly wrong and unhealthy. Please pray for this one to keep running, and if you listen to this song, you will understand what I mean.
I'm praying!!